A Bible Study on the Life of David

Third Session, November 27, A.D. 2011
The Shepherd Boy and Samuel's Anointing - 1 Samuel 16:1-13

I. Complete Material from Previous Week

II. Read Passage and without much discussion, list the results of the homework assignment, viz:

Find three Biblical examples of anointing BESIDES Samuel's of David, and be prepared to discuss what this Biblical term means.

The following were mentioned in class:

Can you add to the list? The objective at this point was simply to find places in Scripture where ANOINTING appears

III. Understanding the meaning of Anointing in Scripture

A. Genesis 28:18, 31:13 anointing first appears in Scripture but not likely "invented" by Jacob

B. Anointing appears abundantly in the Levitical priesthood and worship, much material beyond the scope of this study.

C. Prophets like Samuel, Elijah, and Nathan and priests like Zadok anoint kings (e.g. 1 Kings 1:34, 39), but kings don't anoint prophets and priests.

D. Isa. 61:1, Luke 4:18, Acts 10:38 associates anointing with the Holy Spirit

E. Christ means "anointed One" per the Luke and Acts vss. We might say that God the Father "christed" God the incarnate Son with the God the Holy Spirit

F. Dictionary type definition: 1. Sanctify, set apart for holy use 2. Cleanse

  1. Our division of cleansing and spiritual setting apart not as strict in Biblical times.This perhaps helpful understanding James 5:14. The same Greek word is used at Matthew 6:17.
The NIV rendering of 2 Samuel 12:20 – "Then David got up from the ground. After he had washed, put on lotions and changed his clothes, he went into the house of the LORD and worshiped.

Similarly at Ruth 3:3

IV. Looking More Closely at the Text (1 Samuel 16:1-13)

A. Samuel was accustomed to the practise, vs. 1; he had anointed Saul, per 1 Sam. 10:1. His godly mother Hannah had used the term, 1 Samuel 2:10

B. David says nothing here, but consider his future repeated references to Saul as "the LORD's anointed"; David grasped the solemnity and importance of his own anointing.

C. Vs. 12 Were David's good looks the reason for God's choice? Look back to vs. 7, and consider Isaiah 53:2

D. The lesson of Matthias/Joseph, Acts 1:23 and David/his brothers here

V. Jesus Foreshadowed in This Passage and Further Application

A. Comparing David's anointing with oil and the Spirit's descent at Jesus' baptism

B. 1 John 2:20, 27 Christians have an anointing, a "christing". We are sanctified and cleansed by our union with Him.

C. Relate Davidic Psalm 133 (Cf. Exodus 28:40,41)

D. Does Point III C above instruct us about the relation of church and state today? Consider 1 Kings 19:15 and Isaiah 45:1

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