"...on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." — Matthew 16:18

Quiz on the Structure and Government of the Church

Spelling counts on "fill in the blank" questions. Commentary on some answers is provided with your score.

1. Which pair of adjectives best describes sound leadership in the Church:

A. Coercive and Powerful   B. Benevolent and Exhaustive  
C. Declarative and Exemplary   D. Hierarchical and Mystical  

2. The Lord Jesus Christ is the head of the entire Church. The head of a local congregation is:

A.  The body of elders (session).
B.  The Lord Jesus Christ.
C.  The regional bishop or similar leader.
D.  The pastor.

3. T or F: The practice of ordination with the laying on of hands is Biblical.


4. In addition to the Biblical qualifications for BOTH deacon and elder, the elder also must be apt (able) to .

5. Which phrase most accurately compares the ancient Israelite nation and the Church of the risen Lord Jesus Christ?

A.  God's people oppressed under law vs. God's people free under grace.
B.  Physical descendants of Abraham only as opposed to people of all nations.
C.  A cultivated olive tree into which wild branches were grafted.
D.  Divine Plan A and Divine Plan B.

6. Which three are historical forms of church government:

A.  Congregational, Episcopal, Presbyterial.
B.  Aristocracy, Democracy, Oligarchy.
C.  Catholicism, Episcopalianism, Methodism.
D.  Diaconal, Presbyterial, Pastoral.

7. Complete the verse: "...the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should from the gospel."

8. Choose the best defintion of "church" (Greek EKKLESIA):

A.  Holy place.
B.  Denomination.
C.  Called-out assembly; congregation.
D.  Social club for people with religious tendencies.

9. The Old Covenant included the Aaronic priesthood. Under the New Covenant:

A.  Priesthood in every sense is abolished.
B.  Each believer is a high priest according to the order of Melchizedek.
C.  Ministers of the Gospel replaced priests.
D.  There is a "priesthood of all believers".

10. Complete the verse: "Remember those who over you, who have spoken the word of God to you, whose faith follow, considering the outcome of their conduct."

11. T or F: A dispute which Paul and Barnabas had with some who were teaching that circumcision was essential was addressed by submitting the issue to a council of apostles and elders.


12. With Christ as the chief cornerstone, the church is built on the foundation of:

A.  The Law and the Testimony.
B.  The Word and the Spirit.
C.  Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
D.  The apostles and prophets.

13. Because the above are foundational, the of no longer exists in the church." (Each blank is one word.)

14. T or F: The apostle Paul referred to the Church as "the pillar and foundation of the truth."


15. The term "presbytery":

A.  Is synonomous with episcopacy.
B.  Means body or council of elders.
C.  Came into the English language from Biblical Hebrew.
D.  Is used in connection with congregational forms of church gov't.

16. Excommunication is inflicted:

A.  For the glory of God.
B.  For the purity of the Church.
C.  For the reclamation of the offender.
D.  For all of the above.

17. According to 1 Timothy 5, these are two qualifications a widow must have, in order to receive regular support from the church:

A.  Respected by those outside the church, and not under the age of fifty.
B.  Having been the wife of a believing husband, and willing to promise to pay back the church when she is able to do so.
C.  Not under the age of sixty, and well reported for good works.
D.   Not having been divorced/remarried, and not given to wine.

18. The LORD said that in asking for "a king like all the nations", the ancient people of God had:

A.  Started to become too worldly.
B.  Rejected Him as their king.
C.  Started to manifest some real spiritual maturity.
D.  Disrespected Samuel.

19. T or F: The requirement that church officers be men is based on cultural considerations that only applied in Biblical times.


20. A charge against an elder should not be admitted:

A.  Unless another elder is involved in bringing the charge.
B.  Except on the evidence of two or three witnesses.
C.  When he has no history of any previous flagrant offenses.
D.  All of the above.

21. Complete the passage: "...the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgment, and especially those who walk according to the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise .

22. T or F: Consistent, regular financial giving was abolished by the New Covenant.


23. Unity in the true church of Christ:

A.  Ebbs and flows like a great spiritual tide through the course of history.
B.  Will never be a reality until Heaven.
C.  Exists by the power and ministry of the Holy Spirit.
D.  Must be diligently sought and preserved by ecumenical enterprises.

24. Choose the correct brief summary of how to handle being offended by your brother, according to Matthew 18:

A.  Complain about it to friends, carefully review all the other times the person offended you, then pray for Divine judgment on him.
B.  Share the full details of the matter with the church as a prayer request, bottle up your anger, and avoid the offender.
C.  Go to the offender alone, then take two or three witnesses, then finally report it to the church.
D.  Skillfully render "an eye for an eye", have nothing to do with the person from that point on, and forget the matter.

25. Those who in the church must give an account to God, and those who will receive a stricter judgment. (Each blank is one word.)