"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work." — 2 Timothy 3:16,17

Quiz on General Bible Knowledge

Spelling counts on "fill in the blank" questions. Commentary on the answers is provided with your score.

1. T or F: God has revealed Himself in only one way, by the Bible.


2. is the name for that work of the Holy Spirit by which He enables God's people to understand Scripture.

3. Fallen angels are also known as:

A. Cherubs   B. Demons   C. Ghosts   D. Politicians  

4. God is:

A.  Not responsible to anyone else, yet predestined whatever happens.
B.  Irresponsible, and therefore careless of what He does.
C.  Responsible only for the original creation.
D.  Responsible to the GCRMHA (Great Council of Righteous Men and Holy Angels).

5. "Interpreting" the Bible is best defined as:

A.  Giving it the spiritual meaning you feel is right.
B.  Finding its hidden, mystical meaning.
C.  Rightly understanding what it means.
D.  Adapting its meaning to today's culture and values.

6. At Creation, mankind was given over the rest of the world.

7. God is eternal. This means that:

A.  It will be a very, very, very long time before God comes to an end.
B.  God's beginning was so long ago that it's no longer important.
C.  God has been in existence as long as time itself.
D.  God has no beginning or end, and time itself exists because of His will.

8. The kingdom that was one under Saul, David, and Solomon was divided in two when Rehoboam succeeded Solomon. The northern kingdom became known as and the southern kingdom as . (Each blank is one word.)

9. In its fallen state, the human will has:

A.  The liberty and ability to make any choice whatsoever.
B.  The ability to make any choice, but not the liberty to do so.
C.  No real liberty or ability - we are like robots.
D.  The liberty to make any choice, but not the ability to do so.

10. The tower of Babel was built in the land of .

11. T or F: God's greatest purpose in all He has done is to make His people happy.


12. Both man and woman:

A.  Were created from the dust of the ground.
B.  Were made on creation day five.
C.  Were created in the image of God.
D.   Typify Christ in the relationship of marriage.

13. Which Old Testament person is NOT mentioned in the New Testament?

A. Solomon   B. Gideon   C. Eve  
D. Bathsheba   E. Aaron   F. Hezekiah

14. In the order they appear in the Bible, the two books bearing the names of woman are first and second ." (Each blank is one word.)

15. T or F: Holy basically means extremely solemn, serious; not joyous.


16. Which place is NOT mentioned in both the Old and New Testaments?

A.  Philistia (land of the Philistines)
B.  The Mount of Olives
C.  Mount Zion
D.  Damascus
E.  Zarephath
F.  The land of Sodom and Gomorrah

17. Which Biblical patriarch had the SHORTEST earthly lifespan?

A. Jacob   B. Abraham   C. Job   D. Isaac

18. T or F: Death means the "end of existence" (annihilation).


19. The Beatitudes are found:

A.  Only in the Gospel of Matthew
B.  In all four Gospels
C.  In the so-called "Synoptic" Gospels
D.  In the Psalms and the Gospel of Mark

20. Which statement is found in the Bible?

A.  "God helps those who help themselves."
B.  "Blessed are those who earn their wings."
C.  "And John preached, saying, 'Behold the greatest teacher and martyr who ever lived!'"
D.  "In the last days, the great Antichrist will arise."
E.  "The LORD tests the righteous, but the wicked and the one who loves violence His soul hates."
F.  "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

21. Which word or term does NOT refer to a kind of Psalm?

A.  Miktam
B.  Song of Ascent
C.  Maskil
D.  Prayer
E.  Song of Descent
F.  Shiggaion

22. T or F: Although there were a few minor "nuts and bolts" type mistakes in the original creation, none of them were of a moral or ethical nature.


23. Which ones are NOT accredited with the human authorship of any portion of the God-breathed Scriptures?

A.  Solomon the son of David and Jude the brother of James
B.  Elijah the prophet and James the son of Zebedee
C.  Asaph and James the brother of Jesus
D.  Joshua the son of Nun, and Ezra the scribe

24. The human author of the book of the Acts of the Apostles is:

A. Barnabas   B. Luke   C. Mark   D. Paul

25. The doctrine of election (predestination) makes evangelism:

A.  Unnecessary - God will save whom He will save.
B.  Merely a form of earthly training to serve God in heaven.
C.  Certain to save every person who hears the gospel.
D.  Sure to be effectual in calling sinners to Christ.